Saturday, January 7, 2012


Well you look at that a second post! Dear god, can I say how dreadfully boring these couple of days have been, and not to mention my utter disappointment in myself since i haven't committed to my diet yet... Anywho, lests brighten this up a bit shall we, I love challenges, and I'm joining two this year, 52-books-52-weeks and 365 films in 365 days.

So I have decided to kick off this challenge with one of the Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy series which is "The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe"

So far, a pretty interesting, and hilarious book. It makes me wish I've met Douglas Adams, and we'd get to be best friends! I'm still at chapter 11 though [Even though the first week is about to end, but dude exams are barking in, and what I do when I'm nervous, eat and watch useless shit so sorry, but I will catch up inshallah]

[365 films in 365 days]
Well I watch a ell lot of films, so this will be such a breeze! The rules of this challenge is to rate. write a review about the films so I shall do them here regularly here goes:

1-Edward ScissorHands
8/10 Yes I haven't watched this before so what, but dear got I cried.

2-The Importance Of Being Earnest
7.5/10 Funny film, and above all it has Colin Firth so it satisfies me.

3-The Ides of March
6/10 not my cup of tea.

4-StarShip Troopers
3/10 Dear god such a horrible film...

5-Great Expectations
8/10 I know you'll argue with me it's a series, but a three episode of a book is a film to me so screw you. It was great and dear god Pip is beautiful!

6-Sense And Sensibility
7/10 Another great BBC version adapted from a novel.

7-Blue Valentine
I don't know how I feel about this film...

8-Happy Thank You More Please
5/10 this movie was such a drag...

Well you look at that I'm a bit ahead. Anyways, I tried to upload images for each film but dammit there's something wrong with blogpost I'll figure that out later but till then laterz with a z.

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