Saturday, January 7, 2012


Well you look at that a second post! Dear god, can I say how dreadfully boring these couple of days have been, and not to mention my utter disappointment in myself since i haven't committed to my diet yet... Anywho, lests brighten this up a bit shall we, I love challenges, and I'm joining two this year, 52-books-52-weeks and 365 films in 365 days.

So I have decided to kick off this challenge with one of the Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy series which is "The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe"

So far, a pretty interesting, and hilarious book. It makes me wish I've met Douglas Adams, and we'd get to be best friends! I'm still at chapter 11 though [Even though the first week is about to end, but dude exams are barking in, and what I do when I'm nervous, eat and watch useless shit so sorry, but I will catch up inshallah]

[365 films in 365 days]
Well I watch a ell lot of films, so this will be such a breeze! The rules of this challenge is to rate. write a review about the films so I shall do them here regularly here goes:

1-Edward ScissorHands
8/10 Yes I haven't watched this before so what, but dear got I cried.

2-The Importance Of Being Earnest
7.5/10 Funny film, and above all it has Colin Firth so it satisfies me.

3-The Ides of March
6/10 not my cup of tea.

4-StarShip Troopers
3/10 Dear god such a horrible film...

5-Great Expectations
8/10 I know you'll argue with me it's a series, but a three episode of a book is a film to me so screw you. It was great and dear god Pip is beautiful!

6-Sense And Sensibility
7/10 Another great BBC version adapted from a novel.

7-Blue Valentine
I don't know how I feel about this film...

8-Happy Thank You More Please
5/10 this movie was such a drag...

Well you look at that I'm a bit ahead. Anyways, I tried to upload images for each film but dammit there's something wrong with blogpost I'll figure that out later but till then laterz with a z.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Supposed New Beginning

So this is the second time I write this, [Not cool blogger not cool]
So it's the year MMXII [I love Roman numerals] and well you look at that, the world didn't end yet [Sad face] So I want to fix a couple of things which are:
1. Hating to write.
2. Lazy.
3. Uncommitted.
4. I need some drive.
And what was my solution, starta blog! And here is where you start cheering [yay]
However, this blog needs a couple of ruls which are:
a- Write regularly at least once a week.
b- Once you finish reading a book in the [52-books-in-52-weeks challenge] you write a review about it.
c- write about something new you've learned [ which means learn new things constantly]
d- write about your filming progress.
This is it for now, the rules might change with time. I wrote this to have something up for the first day of the year. alright so Athoug this will let you know why you started this blog and what to do in it! [Disclaimer: I address myself a lot so deal with it] okay bye...